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About Naughty Angel Books

In the beginning, there was Alexis Angel. And then came Lana. And then Vivien, Natalie and Daphne. All inspired by the vision that Alexis had of romance novels that were fun, sassy, and completely over the top.

These books are meant to be enjoyed with a cocktail or two. They're meant to leave you thinking about things in a way you never expected to. And they're meant to be hot. Spicy to a degree that will leave you craving a cool drink. Or something else...

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  • First Comes Love

    "What an amazing collection of stories, each story around a woman and her search for love. I really enjoyed how different they all were, but they did intertwine, which is another great different aspect in this collection. Stories were steamy, and definitely kept you glued to the pages. As soon as I finished one story, I could not wait to start on the next one!" -⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Review

  • Murder/Love

    "This is it like the best unsuspecting scenario story I've ever read! It's Neverending in the conclusion department. Everytime you think the story is finished and it's so good,there's another chapter after chapter of exciting conclusion of Jeremy and Carrie's growing dark and thrilling relationship." -⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Review

  • 12 Inches

    "I love Alexis Angel books and this was no exception!! They are always so hot, steamy, and sexy. The bad boy model everyone is afraid to use and the writer whose books no one wants to buy. But bring them together to collaborate on a book and the previously mentioned heat, steam,and sex shoot through the roof!!!!! Will need wine, vibe, and dry panties for this one!!!!!" -⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Review